Sunday, September 18, 2011

Florida Geography Projects

Florida Geography Projects were assigned two weeks ago and will be due on Friday, September 30th. The purpose is to have a fun and meaningul way to culminate all that we are studying in our first 6 weeks of Social Studies (DOSS) about Florida's Geography. Each student has a guideline with all of the expectations for this "at-home" project. The above slideshow highlights a few examples of projects that have been completed by Chets Creek 4th Graders in the past. They are provided simply to give you ideas on how you might proceed, however, we encourage creativity and artistic uniqueness on this assignment. This project will count as a test grade in Social Studies for this first nine weeks. Have Fun!
Happy Crafting!
Mrs. Phillips and Mr. Pinchot


  1. The slideshow gave me ideas to finish my project this weekend. They look great.

  2. Thanks! These pictures helped me on my progect!

  3. yay!ilove sience thanks!

  4. YAY! Weekend!

    - Mattie


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