Saturday, October 29, 2011

Magnet Explorations

Our first day exploring with magnets proved to be quite interesting. In addition to having some fun, we also brought out a lot of our prior knowledge about magnets and their properties, which the students learned back in 2nd Grade.

*All magnets have invisible magnetic fields.
*Some magnets are stronger than others.
*Magnets come in different shapes and sizes.
*The Earth is like a giant magnet.
*Magnetism is a force (push/pull).
*All magnets have a North and a South Pole.
*Like poles repel (or push away from each other).
*Opposite poles attract (or pull toward each other).

Upcoming investigations will explore what happens to a magnet's poles when the magnet is broken. We will also make a temporary magnet and test its varying strength when it is magnetized to different levels of strength. After participating in a Gizmo virtual lab on magnetism, students will design and create their own magnet experiments by formulating and exploring their own "testable questions".

Enjoy our slideshow. :-)
Explorations with Magnets on PhotoPeach


  1. this is so cool i wish u can do it again next year from alexis b

  2. so cool love video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Luke Asta


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